Gender-nonconforming people

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Editor’s note: “Gender-nonconforming people” was submitted as an LCSH proposal on November 8 2017 and accepted as proposed by LC on their December 2017 list. Below is the submission as an example of a successful proposal.


150 __ Gender-nonconforming people

450 __ Genderqueer people

450 __ Non-binary people

450 __ Gender-variant people

450 __ Gender-creative people

550 __ $w g $a Sexual minorities

550 __ Transgender people

670 __ Work cat: 2016055090: You’re in the wrong bathroom : and 20 other myths and misconceptions about transgender and gender-nonconforming people, 2017.

670 __ 2008034081: Social work practice with transgender and gender variant youth, 2008.

670 __ 2010934615: Gender born, gender made : raising healthy gender-nonconforming children, 2011: $b page 9 (“gender-nonconforming children: children who do not abide by the prescribed gender norms of their culture”)

670 __ 2013031493: Supporting transgender & gender creative youth, 2014: $b page 3 (with switch from “Gender Identity Disorder” in DSM-IV-TR to “Gender Dysphoria” in DSM-5, gender-nonconforming people are no longer pathologized) glossary of terms pages 219-224 (genderqueer: refers to people whose gender identity and/or expression challenges the gender binary; gender creativity (noun)/gender-creative (adjective): recently developed phrase describing a (most often) child who does not abide by the gender norms, prescriptions, or proscriptions in the child’s culture, term has celebratory connotations; gender-nonconformity (noun)/gender-nonconforming (adjective): when a person’s gender expression varies from that which is traditionally expected of a person of their assigned sex; gender variance (noun)/gender-variant (adjective): “a term synonymous with gender-creative, gender-independent, gender-nonconforming, gender-non-normative, etc.”; two-spirit: “identity term used by some Native American and First Nations people whose gender and/or sexuality does not conform to constructions of cisgender norms prescribed by white settler colonial societies”)

670 __ 2016009029: Handbook of sexual orientation and gender diversity in counseling and psychotherapy, 2017: $b page 3 (“sexual minority (SM) and transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people”)

670 __ 2016005076: Affirmative counseling and psychological practice with transgender and gender nonconforming clients, 2017.

670 __ 2017028732: McNabb, Charlie. Nonbinary gender identities, 2017.

670 __ American Psychological Association. Guidelines for psychological practice with transgender and gender nonconforming people, 2015, viewed online November 6 2017: $b page 832 (transgender and gender nonconforming (TGNC) people are those who have a gender identity that is not fully aligned with their sex assigned at birth) $u

670 __ American Psychological Association. Report of the APA Task Force on Gender Identity and Gender Variance, 2009, viewed online November 6 2017: $b page 2 (transgender and gender-variant people) $u

670 __ Wikipedia article “Genderqueer,” viewed online November 6 2017 $b (genderqueer, also termed non-binary, is a catch-all category for gender identities that are not exclusively masculine or feminine, identities which are thus outside the gender binary and cisnormativity; genderqueer can include having an overlap between gender identities, having two or more genders, having no gender (agender, etc.), moving between genders (genderfluid), or being third gender or other-gendered) $u

670 __ GLAAD Media Reference Guide, viewed online November 6 2017 $b (gender non-conforming: a term used to describe some people whose gender expression is different from conventional expectations of masculinity and femininity; not all gender non-conforming people identify as transgender, nor are all transgender people gender non-conforming; non-binary and/or genderqueer: terms used by some people who experience their gender identity and/or gender expression as falling outside the categories of man and woman, not a synonym for transgender or transsexual) $u

952 __ LC pattern or SCM: Transgender people


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