Deviant behavior

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Current LCSH is Deviant behavior. Research by Nicolette Jin Olson and others in late 2023 with the intention of suggesting a replacement; the conclusion reached at that time was that there wasn’t a clear replacement, but hopefully this can be revisited in the future. –Violet


Definition of deviance: deviant behavior is non-normative or norm non-confirming behavior that is subject to social control ranging from informal and formal sanctions, such as shaming and stigma to incarceration.



Turner, B. S. (Ed.). (2006). Deviance. In The Cambridge dictionary of sociology. Retrieved January 2, 2023, from 


Databases searches and results:


APA PsychInfo “Deviant” subject search had 2724 results. When searched using “deviant” as the main subject heading and major subject heading, there were 0 results. In the APA PyschInfo database, “antisocial behavior” appears to be the subject term instead of “deviant.” Other databases did not use “antisocial behavior” as a subject term.

The Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection “deviant” SU subject term search had 303 results.

Academic Search Complete SU Subject Term search with results filter to US and English language published from 2000 to 2024 had 86 results.

ProQuest subject search had 309 results.

SocINDEX subject search filtered for US and English language published from 2000 to 2024 has 86 results.


Titles published in 2023:

Goode, E. (2023). Deviant Behavior, thirteenth edition.

Pérez-Ramírez, B., Maki-Weller, N., & Ochoa, T. A. (2023). Internalizing Disabilities Among Incarcerated Girls From Mexico and the United States. Intervention in School & Clinic, 58(5), 325–332. 

Harris, L. C., & Magrizos, S. (2023). “Souvenir Shopping is for Schmucks!”: Exploring Tourists’ Deviant Behavior Through the Items They Bring Back. Journal of Travel Research, 62(2), 345-361.

SKODA, H. (Ed.). (2023). A Companion to Crime and Deviance in the Middle Ages. Arc Humanities Press.



No change is recommended at this time due to the continued relevance of “deviant behavior theory” in sociology. While it appears the use of “deviant” as a subject heading is on the decline in sociology and psychology databases, it is still a common keyword and there is not a consensus on which term is an appropriate replacement in the fields. Some articles and books use “antisocial behavior” as a subject heading while others are using “criminal behavior” or another related subject heading in place of “deviant.”

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