150 __ $a Social economy
450 __ $a Economy, Social
550 __ $w q $a Economics
550 __ $a Charities
550 __ $a Cooperation
550 __ $a Nonprofit organizations
550 __ $a Voluntarism
670 __ Work cat: Comeau, Yvan. Réalités et dynamiques régionales de l’économie sociale, c2009. (LCCN#: 2009512514)
670 __ $a Work cat: Les Démocrates-chrétiens et l’économie sociale de marché, c1998. (LCCN#: 89171118)
670 __ $a Work cat: Economie sociale, 1988. (LCCN#: 89105311)
670 __ $a Work cat: Exclusion et liens financiers, c2009. (LCCN#: 2009456782)
670 __ $a Work cat: Penser la participation en économie sociale et en action sociale, c2009. (LCCN#: 2010366828)
670 __ $a Work cat: Zukunftsmodell Soziale Marktwirtschaft, 2011. (LCCN#: 2011525615)
670 __ $a Work cat: L’économie social, 1999-2000. (LCCN#: 00356266)
670 __ $a Work cat: Défis coopératifs, c2008. (LCCN#: 2009402347)
670 __ $a Work cat: Rauhut, Siegfried. Soziale Marktwirtschaft und parlamentarische Demokratie, c2000. (LCCN#: 2002431477)
670 __ $a Work cat: Schauber, Almuth. Armut und politische Partizipation, c2008. (LCCN#: 2009390410)
670 __ $a English Wikipedia, February 22, 2018 $b (“The social economy is formed by a rich diversity of enterprises and organisations [sic], such as cooperatives, mutuals, associations, foundations, social enterprises and paritarian [sic] institutions, sharing common values and features: primacy of the individual and the social objective over capital, voluntary and open membership, democratic governance, combination of interests of members/users and/or the general interest, defence [sic] and application of the principles of solidarity and responsibility, autonomous management and independence from public authorities, reinvestment of -at least- most of the profits to carry out sustainable development objectives, services of interest to members or of general interest”)
670 __ $a Mayhew, Susan. A dictionary of geography, 2015 $b (“[T]he social economy includes those organizations which are animated by the principle of reciprocity for the pursuit of mutual economic or social goals, often through social control of capital. This definition would include all cooperatives and credit unions, non-profit and volunteer organizations, charities and foundations, service associations, community enterprises, and social enterprises that use market mechanisms to pursue explicit social objectives”)
952 __ $a LC pattern: Knowledge economy
– all the work cat.’s are works in LC’s catalog that use Social Economy in the 653 or (erroneously) in the 650. Should I add these to a 952 ” ___ bib. records to be changed” ? If you search for “social economy” as a keyword in LCs catalog you get a whole lot of records…
– I also wanted to create a heading for Solidarity Economy (as a NT of Social Economy) – is it relevant or does the already established “Solidarity” cover its meaning?