Problem LCSH

This is a crowdsourced compilation of Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH) that some consider problematic (for a variety of reasons). Opinions will vary about what constitutes a “problem heading”; this may include offensive terminology, headings that aren’t clear, headings that inappropriately conflate multiple ideas, or terminology that’s not commonly used/understood. Your institution should decide which terms are most appropriate for your users, in collaboration with any communities impacted by the choice of terminology.

Click the green plus sign to see comments for more information on each heading.

List of problem headings

Current LCSH
Preferred term?
Antifa (Organisation)Anti-fascist movementsThis corporate body refers to a defunct U.K. organization and should not be applied to works about the current antifa movement
Argentina--History--Dirty War, 1976-1983Terrorismo de Estado, Argentina, 1976-1983The LCSH "State-sponsored terrorism" may be a valuable addition to works about this period. Find more information about the origin of the contested term "Dirty War" at Wikipedia:
Asian flu1957–1958 influenza pandemicFor more information on this heading, see "Cataloging 'Asian Flu' is Creating Racial Knowledge" by Shu Wan (pdf):
Asperger's syndromeAutism spectrum disordersDSM 5 no longer recognizes Asperger's as a diagnosis. In addition, the namesake for Asperger's was doctor who colluded with the Nazi regime and referred patients to a clinic that euthanized the disabled. For more information, see
BerbersAmazighAuthorized form is an exonym that may be considered pejorative. "Amazigh" and "Imazighen" are the terms used by these groups. For more information:
BildungsromansComing of age--FictionWhile "Bildungsromans" is an established literary genre and accepted term for researchers; it is not widely understood by the general public.
Boat peoplePolitical refugeesA term considered derogatory by some. For more information, see
BossinessAssertiveness (Psychology); Assertiveness in women; Assertiveness in girlsThis is a gender-coded term, and typically is only used to refer to women or girls who are considered to be overly assertive or self-confident
Brazil--History--Revolution, 1964Brazil--History--Coup d'état, 1964The military dictators referred to this as a democratic revolution when it happened (and the U.S. government initially did as well), but historians, political scientists, and others have long agreed that this was a miitary coup d`etat. The only places where you see it referred to as a revolution are in formal language created by the military dictators. I have also used the term used by children of exiled military dictators.
Child pornographyChild sexual abuse materialLCSH is behind global trends to move away from "child pornography." See the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children's glossary:
Children of egg donorsDonor-conceived offspringWithin the community of women who have used egg donors, it is clear that the children are the children of the intended parents. "Donor offspring" implies that they are the children of the donor rather than conceived using donor eggs or sperm and then the children of the intended parents.
Children of sperm donorsDonor offspringChildren of sperm donors, which was created in 2012, implies those who are conceived via sperm donation or children of actual donors, i.e., their biological fathers were once sperm donors. It is a misleading term. You would also need then, Children of egg donors (children conceived via egg donation). Therefore, the correct term would be Donor offspring, which is the term this community uses. Donor offspring encompasses all those conceived via a third party, i.e., gamete donation.
Climatic changesClimate change"Climate change" is a much more widely understood term.
Common fallaciesMisinformationMisinformation is a UF but the meanings are different and misinformation is now much more commonly used.
CriminalsSome argue that terms like "criminals" dehumanize people accused or convicted of crimes. For more information about alternate options, see:
Cross-dressingChoice of terminology isn't a problem, but the very narrow scope note is an issue: "Here are entered works on the practice of assuming a dress and manner not generally associated with one's gender for psychological gratification." There are multiple reasons people dress across genders, including, historically, disguises to enter military service. Should the scope note be embiggened?
Crystalline lensLens (Eye)"Crystalline lens" is overly medicalized language for a term most would describe as "the lens of the eyes".
DeflorationVirginityFor more information about this heading, see
Discovery and explorationThe term "discovery" suggests a terra nullius/Western-centric view for lands which had Indigenous populations. Potential replacements will depend on the focus of the book but might include "Colonization" or, as a less-bad alternative, "European discovery".
Domestic relationsFamily lawThe authorized heading has a much broader meaning in popular usage; bar associations, law schools, etc., use "Family law" to describe this field.
Dwarfs (Persons)People with DwarfismThere's been a move to separate the LCSH term into two categories - dwarves in folklore and people with dwarfism. For more information about recent changes to this heading, see To add "Persons" seems like an afterthought. "People with dwarfism" moves toward people-first language, rather than identity-first, which is preferred by many communities.
East IndiansIndic people (possibly?)According to Biswas, (2017) using the term East Indians “in reference to individuals from India represents a problematic vestige of colonialism because the term's origins are inextricably tied to a European imagination that was shaped by the writings and experiences of maritime travelers, Christian missionaries, and colonial expeditions." Biswas, P. (2017). Rooted in the Past: Use of “East Indians” in Library of Congress Subject Headings. Cataloging & Classification Quarterly,56(1), 1-18. doi:10.1080/01639374.2017.1386253
EskimosRead carefully the scope note of this heading:; this headings' use in older cataloging should be reviewed. Many Native peoples find "Eskimos" an offensive term, as well as being imprecise. For more information, see this post from the Alaska Native Language Center
Ethnic artsSeems pretty reductive and non-specific.
FetishismFigure sculpture, African OR Ceremonial objects"Fetishes" and "Fetish figures" were applied to African objects by European colonizers as a condescending interpretation of African culture. More accurate language is available to describe the objects. The history of the term is explained more here:
Future lifeAfterlife"Future life" seems to be a term in vogue in the early twentieth century U.S., but its current use obscures its meaning of "life after death."
Gender nonconforming peopleGender nonconforming peopleI see that gender nonconforming is listed as a problem heading, with the suggested replacement of nonbinary people. However, there are many gender nonconforming people who are not nonbinary. Nonbinary is generally understood to fall under the transgender category. People can be gender nonconforming but not nonbinary. My daughter attends a camp for 'transgender and gender nonconforming kids.' School policies are generally made to protect 'transgender and gender nonconforming students.' While someone can certainly be nonbinary AND gender nonconforming, someone can also certainly be male or female and gender nonconforming. For example, my brother is a gay man who is gender nonconforming (he breaks expected norms in his clothing choices). He also identifies as male, not nonbinary. Thanks for listening and thanks for your project!
Gender-nonconforming peopleNon-binary peopleGender-nonconformity depicts a bias that believes in the adherence to gender stereotypes of a binary gender system.
God (Islam)AllahSee March 2022 presentation from Middle East Librarians Association for details on this heading:
Hand-to-hand fighting, OrientalShaolin martial artsIf it is meant to be used instead of Shaolin martial arts, use the more specific term.
Hispanic AmericansLatino/Latina/LatinxAuthorized form conflates Hispanic with Latino/a; these have distinct meanings. For more information, see
Homeless personsUnhoused peopleFor further thoughts on the terminology around homelessness, see
Husband and wifeSpouses--legal status, laws, etc.LCSH redirects "Spouses--legal status, laws, etc." to "Husband and wife", which has a scope note that excludes same-sex spousal pairs. It reads, "Here are entered works on legal relations between husband and wife. Works on the legal status of women during marriage, and on the effect of marriage on their legal capacity, are entered under Married women—Legal status, laws, etc.".
Cataloging resources about the legal relations of individuals in a same-sex marriage therefore don't have an appropriate LCSH at this time. I think the problem could be solved by flipping the reference to Use: "Spouses--legal status, laws, etc."
Illegal immigrationUndocumented immigrationThese headings have been in the public spotlight since 2016; see a history of revision efforts at the Wikipedia article: For a list of all the headings related to this term and potential replacements, see page 10 of the Report of the SAC Working Group on Alternatives to LCSH "Illegal aliens": A potential improvement to the 2021 revisions might be for "Illegal immigration" to be switched automatically to "Undocumented immigration," although these are not coequal.
IllegitimacyNonmarital birthsCalling any person "illegitimate" on basis of their parents' legally married status is demeaning. Granted, this is a legal term, but "Illegitimacy" and related terms should be put in a UF.
Illegitimate childrenChildren of unmarried parentsCalling any person "illegitimate" on basis of their parents' legally married status is demeaning. Granted, this is a legal term, but "Illegitimacy" and related terms should be put in a UF.
Indians of North AmericaIndigenous peoples of North America"Indigenous peoples" recognizes that there may be many different groups of indigenous people in a given geographic area. The United Nations adopted "Indigenous peoples" as the preferred term for the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP). "Indian", when used by non-Indigenous peoples, is generally considered an offensive term. It represents a colonialist attitude that failed to differentiate between the indigenous peoples of North America and of South East Asia, and applies a single label to a very diverse set of indigenous peoples. For more information on changes that Canadian libraries have implemented, see LC has said it will be changing this language; for more information, see:
Inmates of institutionsSome argue that terms like "inmates" dehumanize those confined in institutions. For more information about alternate options, see: Note that this heading includes both people in prisons and in health care facilities.
InvalidsPeople with disabilities; SickImprecise, potentially offensive term that may refer to people with illnesses (potentially covered by the LCSH "Sick") or people with disabilities. For more information, see
Juvenile delinquentsYouth in custodySome states' department of corrections prefer the term "youth in custody" to juvenile delinquents
Kings and rulersSovereignsGender-neutral form is available; "Kings and rulers" implies rulers are not female (because the LCSH "Queens" is a separate heading)
Lebanon--History--Israeli intervention, 1982-19851982 Lebanon War or Lebanon--History--Israeli invasion, 1982-1985See March 2022 presentation from Middle East Librarians Association for details on this heading:
LeprosyHansen's diseaseThe terms leprosy and lepers have frequently been associated with stigma. A 2020 opinion piece in The Lancet suggests renaming to the bacterium responsible for the disease:
Mogul EmpireMughal EmpireMogul is a British rendering of the original "Mughal" which reminiscent of colonialism, whereas "Mughal" reflects the original name and how it is written in Persian, Urdu and Hindi.
Mongoloid raceMongols ; Asians - depending on subject"Mongoloid" is not a race. It's an antiquated term which comes from a narrow understanding of a group of people.
NavajoDinéDiné is the preferred term for the indigenous group in the southwest United States.The term Navajo, originally derived from Spanish, has been translated/interpreted to mean "thief." For more information, see
Oriental literatureAsian literature"Oriental" is an outdated term with Eurocentric underpinnings. For more information, see
OrientalismCatalogers should be cautious in applying this heading to works and might consider reviewing its prior application in their catalogs. For more information on Orientalism, see
Palestinian ArabsPalestiniansFrom Wikipedia: "Due to the legacy of the Ottoman period, the ethnic origins of some rural and urban Palestinians are either Albanian, Circassian or from other non-Arab populations."
ParoleesPeople on paroleSome argue that terms like "parolees" dehumanize people who have served time in prison. For more information about alternate options, see:
People with mental disabilitiesPeople with intellectual disabilities and People with developmental disabilities"People with mental disabilities" was originally added to LCSH as "Mentally handicapped". While the literature and popular understanding of this group of people has grown into several areas, such as "intellectual disabilities" and "developmental disabilities," this subject heading has remained trapped in time, becoming less intelligible to users. This area needs a complete overhaul.
People with social disabilitiesSocially disadvantaged people or Socially marginalized people "People with social disabilities" was originally added to LCSH as "Socially handicapped." There is no scope note, but a review of the UF terms shows this heading is about cultural deprivation. This heading should be removed from the disability hierarchy and renamed.
PoorPoor peopleFor more information about this heading, see
Popular music--South Korea--2011-2020K-pop (Music)For more information about this heading, see the proposal rejection from LC
PrisonersAdults in custodySome states' department of corrections prefer the term "adults in custody" to prisoners or inmates. For more information on potential alternatives, see
Problem childrenChildren with behavioral problemsAuthorized form is considered derogatory and can be unclear. For further information on the origins of this term, see
Psychic traumaPsychological traumaThere are many different types of trauma, and 'psychic' is an outdated term. In general there needs to be a bigger discussion around the way trauma is described in LCSH and whether it is adequate in describing concepts like long-term trauma.
RaceEthnicity"Even though there is a broad scientific agreement that essentialist and typological conceptions of race are untenable, scientists around the world continue to conceptualize race in widely differing ways. While some researchers continue to use the concept of race to make distinctions among fuzzy sets of traits or observable differences in behavior, others in the scientific community suggest that the idea of race is inherently naíve or simplistic. Still others argue that, among humans, race has no taxonomic significance because all living humans belong to the same subspecies, Homo sapiens sapiens."--Wikipedia article on Race (human categorization). Viewed Feb. 2, 2021.
Race relationsRacial oppressionThis may be a sanitized term that reflect discredited ideas of categorization; see
Race riotsIn some cases this may be a sanitized term for racialized violence; careful review of this heading is suggested, including for specific events named as "race riots."
RasatfarianRasta or RastafariRastafarian (and Rastafarianism) are considered pejorative to that religious group. For more information, see
SchizophrenicsPeople with schizophreniaSome disabled people prefer person-centered language, and LCSH uses it for other headings. For more information about person-centered language, see:
Sex roleGender roleThe term "sex role" conflates biological sex and gender. The LCSH description is currently "Here are entered works on the role or behavior learned by a person as appropriate to masculinity or femininity as determined by prevailing cultural norms". However, this pertains to gender and not sex.
Sexual minoritiesLGBTQ peopleThe authorized heading does not reflect predominant usage of how LGBTQ people are referred to. The authority also has the UF Gender minorities, which deserves its own heading and is in fact a separate term in LCDGT.
Sexual reorientation programsSexual conversion programsAuthorized form is sanitized and not most commonly used form
Social disabilitiesMarginality, SocialLC uses this to refer to social and/or economic marginalization. It's not clear and it conflates disability with socioeconomic marginalization.
Substance abuseSubstance use disordersSubstance abuse should not be the preferred term, as is currently the case. "Substance abuse" stigmatizes the condition and gives a negative connotation to those battling the disorder. For more information, see NIH's Words Matter:
Tenth of MuḥarramAshūrāLCSH's "Tenth of Muharram" language is not widely used. See March 2022 presentation from Middle East Librarians Association for details on this heading:
TheologyChristian theologyThe LCSH "Theology" has broader and related terms that make it clear it was originally created to assign to Christian works alone. New headings need to be proposed such as "Christian theology," "Islamic theology," etc.
TrampsTransient personAuthorized form conflates these terms, which may have distinct meanings. Other terms, such as itinerant worker, may be more appropriate
Triangles (Interpersonal relations)Love triangles"Love triangles" is a clear and widely understood term, while the authorized heading is... not.
Unskilled laborLow-wage work or Low-wage employmentLow-wage employees often perform skilled or complex jobs such as eldercare, child-care, carpentry, factory-work, painting, food preparation, and cleaning. Women perform most care-work. Employers underpay and undervalue women's work.
VictimsSurvivorsThe "victims" terminology is troubling and inaccurate for some. For more information on headings with this terminology, see
Word recognitionFlash cardsCurrently flash cards have a See reference to Word recognition. They are not the same. Flash cards need their own heading. And their own genre heading.
Jewish questionAntisemitismJewish question is an outdated term that questions the rights of Jews to human rights. It is associated with justifying the Holocaust. It falls under the umbrella term Antisemitism.
B.C. and A.D.BCE and CEBC/AD are Christian-centric and BCE/CE are widely accepted secular alternatives. (This really jumped out at me as problematic when looking at the chronological subdivisions used under Jews--History)
ProstitutionSex WorkThe term "prostitution" is outdated and still commonly associated with dishonor.
ObsessionLCSH currently redirects to Obsessive-compulsive disorder, which has an entirely different meaning to general "obsessing" over a person, object, or ideal.
Obsession (Psychology)LCSH currently redirects to Sex addiction, but obsessive behavior isn't always sexual in nature
Discrimination against overweight personsFatphobia, Size discrimination, Discrimination against plus size personsFatphobia is becoming a more normalized term to refer to size-based discrimination. Size discrimination is an alternative to account for the aversion towards the word 'fat', though the term 'overweight' is also disputed for many people. ( Plus size is a fairly neutral alternative, though has some gendered connotation.
Multiple personality disorderDissociative identity disorderMultiple personality disorder is an outdated term, and the DSM-5 now calls it Dissociative Identity Disorder
World musicThis term reduces all music outside of the Western music traditions into a broad category. Given the placement of Western music throughout history, and the disparaging of other music traditions in Western scholarship, this term that essentializes and reduces non-Western music to a single group is problematic. Instead, actual music genres and forms can be used to represent music, as well as subject headings for music of specific regions and music traditions.
LeprosyMycobacterial neurodermatosisA previous suggestion posed Hansen's Disease as a possible alternative- the term mycobacterial neurodermatosis dissociates the condition from Hansen, who practiced medical malpractice on patients with the condition.
PacifistsIt's currently the UF for "Peace activists" and "Anti-war activists" is not a term that exists in LCSH. But activists who are for peace and against war will still sometimes use violent tactics, so the venn diagram of pacifists and peace activists is not a circle.
Child pornographyChild sexual abuse materialsThis term suggest that children have are responsible for this abuse
Landlord and tenantTenantsLC has established "Landlords" but not "Tenants;" instead of "Tenants," LC instructs catalogers to use "Landlord and tenant." Without "Tenants" as a standalone heading, cannot apply class-of-person subdivisions with clear literary warrant, e.g., "--Civil rights" "--Economic conditions" "--Political activity" "--Social conditions"
Ultra-OrthodoxHarediultra-orthodox is widely considered a pejorative term with negative connotations for religiously observant and visibly orthodox Jews.
Deviant behaviorAntisocial behaviorThere's not a clear replacement for Deviant behavior in the literature. See this page for more research:
Mythology, Aboriginal AustralianUsing "mythology" insinuates that the narratives merely outdated myths or legends rather than an integral aspect of continuous cultural practices and traditions. Dreaming stories or histories hold great significance beyond just being stories. They are integral to Indigenous knowledge, spirituality, and cultural practices, intricately linked to the land and environment. Please read more at Guidelines for First Nations collection description / Tui Raven. Current practice at most Australian libraries is to avoid and instead use the AIATSIS Thesaurus.
Indian cookingIndigenous American cooking"Indian cooking" is unnecessarily vague and easily confused with "Cooking, Indic." This (and similar headings) should be updated or replaced in concert with other headings related to "Indians of North America." The addition of prescribed subdivisions for style based on geographic region or individual nations, using indigenous-preferred terminology, would be even better.
Choruses (Men's voices) [and variants]Choruses (Tenor bass voices) [and variants]The LC Medium of Performance Terms have been updated with the gender neutral term "tenor bass chorus" as an option instead of "men's chorus" with the following scope note under "men's chorus": A chorus identified as comprising adult male voices. For a chorus comprising adult voices of unspecified gender singing lower ranges (tenor, baritone, and/or bass), use tenor bass chorus.
MagicianStage magiciansWhat is the distinction between Wizards, Warlocks, Witches, and Magicians (all authorized)? Changing this 650 to Stage magicians, with a see also note for 650 Magic tricks (and maybe another see also for Entertainers?), would offer some more clarity.
Prophecies???I'm confused by the 650s Prophecy, Prophecies, and Prophecies (Occultism). It seems like maybe "Prophecies" is intended to be a subdivision and not an independent 650? Help.
Non-monogamous relationshipsOpen relationships"Non-monogamous relationships" just ain't it. Why can't we use the terminology actual people use? Possibly also create a separate 650 for Polyamory.
Overweight personsI'm unsure"Overweight" is definitely a value judgement statement. I'm seeing an increase in the number of books with main characters who identify as fat and it feels uncomfortable to use a term that implies that these characters are unhealthy, especially when the stories are generally trying to convey the opposite message.
B.C. and A.D.The current LCSH is NOT a problem for Christian-centric material and most material of the Western (Christian influenced) world. It should remain as standard unless the material is clearly for another religion when BCE/CE may be considered
Vulnerability (Personality trait)Most of what I catalogue about vulnerability is about how various socioeconomic factors make people vulnerable. I often find that the heading Vulnerability (Personality trait) has been added to those records which unfortunately implies a sort of 19th century "blame the victim" thinking. (I think the existing heading is fine it's just frequently being used to fill a gap that it shouldn't be)
Ex-convictsFormerly incarcerated personsA person who spent time incarcerated might self-describe as an ex-convict, but it is a stigma-laden term. LCSH already lists the more neutral "Formerly incarcerated persons" as a variant, so why not use that instead? Source: I am a library worker and an ex-con.
Cherokee Indians—RelocationCherokee People--Forced migrationRelocation is too neutral a term for this kind of violence--there are likely many other instances of forced migration that are obfuscated in LCSH because they are subdivided with "relocation" instead.
Indians of North America -- Government relationsIndians of North America -- Foreign relationsFirst Nations tribes have and had foreign relations before the arrival of Europeans. First Nations tribes also had foreign relations after the arrival of Europeans but still before conquest. How to characterize today's mediated foreign relations is, perhaps, more difficult, but "government relations" certainly will not do.
Frontier and pioneer life???Not sure whether there should be a replacement, or just a see-also reference to "Settler colonialism." Wikipedia lists "Settler colonialism" as a See Also for "American pioneers." I would love to hear others' perspectives!
Sex instructionSex educationSex education is currently a UF for Sex instruction but they should be separate headings. Most of what happens in sex ed classes isn't really "Sex instruction" in the way that something like The Joy of Sex is. Homosaurus has a good scope note for Sex education ( Using Sex instruction for sex ed classes brings to mind moral panics where people think that sex ed means that young children will be taught how to have sex rather than age-appropriate topics such as correct names for body parts.
Girlie collectibles; Girlie magazinesErotic collectibles; Erotic magazines or Pornographic magazines"Girlie" is a sexist way to refer to women and there don't seem to be equivalent headings for collectibles and magazines depicting people of other genders.


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