Critcatenate: #critcat in May 2024

Critcatenate is an effort to keep folks up to date on critcat efforts with a monthly-ish roundup of news. Critcat is short for critical cataloging, focusing on the ethical implications of library metadata, cataloging, and classification practice, standards, and infrastructure.

#critcat in May 2024:

  • New survey: the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Steering Group of the ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts’ Bibliographic Standard Committee is looking to create an online platform for people from marginalized communities who are interested in cataloging and metadata work to connect with one another. They’ve asked people to fill out a short survey to see if Discord or another platform might work. The survey will remain open until June 14.
  • New classification!!!: Introducing Maawn Doobiigeng (Gather Together), the new classification system of the Saginaw Chippewa Tribal Libraries. The system is the result of a 2019 grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services working to address the question: “How can tribal libraries use traditional ways of knowing and being to break free of the colonialist epistemology of existing library organizational systems that reinforce a damaging worldview?”
At left are the seven clans of the new Maawn Doobiigeng classification, along with other identifying categories in the right column

I’m doing a brief review of the new LCSH lists for headings that might be of interest to readers of Critcatenate. LCSH list numbers consist of a two-digit number for the year and a two-digit number for the month the headings were approved (for example, headings on list 2402 were approved in February 2024).

New LC headings of note on list 2402:

  • new LCSH: Body positivity movement 
  • new LCSH: Climate change adaptation
  • new LCSH: Fat-acceptance movement
  • new LCSH: Self-acceptance in children 

Multiple proposals related to the body positivity and fat acceptance headings were rejected; read the rationale for those in the LC Summary of Decisions for February 2024. An LCSH proposal for White flight was also rejected at the February 2024 editorial meeting.

Note that on the tentative (not yet decided list) of 2406, there are proposals related to miscegenation and Interracial marriage. Consider contacting LC if you have opinions about those proposals (see contact info at the top of the page).

In a real bummer of a decision, LC has announced that their monthly editorial meetings will no longer be open to the public. Instead, they will offer quarterly meetings that will discuss LCSH more broadly. This change reduces the amount of input library workers have on specific proposals, and reduces the opportunities library workers have to listen in and understand the decision making process behind LCSH decisions. LC editorial meetings have been open to anyone since August 2021.
